



My words, irrelevant of being meant with an intent of humor, were hurtful, and unacceptable. I am ashamed I was capable of these really horrible attempts to get attention at that time. I regret them deeply. This was not acceptable behavior. These were words I threw out at the time with no thought or recognition of the harm my words could do, and now have done today. I am incredibly sorry, ashamed and disappointed in myself for my ignorance back then. I want to be very clear: this is not reflective of what I think or who I am now. Years ago, thanks to friends and experiences who helped me to open my eyes, I began my journey into becoming a more responsible adult – in terms of what I say, what I do, and beyond. I've largely kept that journey private, and this is another way that I have let so many down. I still have more work to do. But how I define myself now does not take away the impact of my words, or my responsibility for them. I am very sorry.


格林利索耶的twitter賬號現階段已經停用,但那些twitter的言論早已被網民們截圖瘋傳,其中一篇 2012 年的貼文中,他則表示:



5 月 30 日,那些來自過去的twitter再度浮上了檯面,格林利索耶在個人 Instagram 賬號上針對這件事情公開致歉。

「唯一一個可以讓我停止發表種族主義者推特的原因,就是知道阿爾夏普頓 (Al Sharpton 非裔美國牧師) 將會對我抱怨個沒完。」


於 CW 電視頻道《閃電俠》(The Flash) 情景喜劇系列中出演「收縮人」 (Elongated Man) 勞倫迪布尼 (Ralph Dibny) 的女演員格林利索耶 (Hartley Sawyer) ,因多年前在twitter上刊登餘篇種族主義與其它不雅言論,被《閃電俠》情景喜劇版的製作人給辭退。

格林利索耶刊登的言論皆為 2012 年和 2014 年所刊登,但那些該文在近數週浮出了檯面,加上英國正因弗洛伊德該事件而鬧得沸沸揚揚,CW 電視節目頻道、派拉蒙兄妹電視節目、Berlanti 製片公司和執行製作人丹尼爾瓦斯特 (Eric Wallace) 於聯合公報正式宣佈:

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A post shared by Hartley Sawyer (@hartleysawyer) on May 30, 2020 at 11:59am PDT



超級盃!英國!拘留所有 80% 的罪犯都是非裔英國人!


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