

The film released in 2019 on the Chinese mainland had been a box-office hit in the season, grossing more than 1.58 billion yuan, according to the Chinese film database Maoyan. The film boasts 9.4 out of 10 user rating on the Maoyan platform.




Selected as the entry of Hong Kong, China, the film will compete for the top prize in the category with "Another Round" (Denmark), "Collective" (Romania), "The Man Who Sold His Skin" (Tunisia) and "Quo Vadis, Aida?" (Bosnia and Herzegovina).


Chinese youth drama film "Better Days" has made the list of nominations for Best International Feature Film at the 93rd Academy Awards, also known as the Oscars, according to the list of Academy Award nominees released by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) on Monday.

Starring actress Zhou Dongyu and the boy band TFBoys' member Jackson Yee, the film by Hong Kong director Derek Kwok-Cheung Tsang puts the spotlight on school bullying. In the film, Chinese girl Chen Nian, who is single-mindedly preparing for the national college entrance exam, becomes a target of relentless bullying and then forms a strong friendship with small-time criminal Xiao Bei. The two are dragged into a murder case of a teenage girl where they are the prime suspects.

Better Days' Oscar nomination has stirred heated debate online, with related hashtags accumulating over 700 million views on Weibo. Many netizens say they are excited to see a Chinese work receive recognition at the Oscars, which signifies the rise of Chinese films.


該文轉載自 世紀末君 21世紀末英文報


So far, a total of seven Chinese films have received Oscar nominations, including Zhang Yimou's Raise the Red Lantern and Chen Kaige's Farewell, My Concubine. Among them, only Ang Lee's martial arts tale Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon has won the prize.


上海時間3月15日晚,備受矚目的第93屆奧斯卡獎提名名單正式出爐。由曾國祥執導,周冬雨、易烊千璽主演的電影《少年的你》(Better Days)入選最佳國際影片。


The pandemic-delayed 93rd Oscar awards ceremony will be held on April 25.




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