

○ 劇情簡介:本片講訴了繼“吉隆坡奪牌命案”“芝加哥五行連環命案”後;

Into the darkness

Everything will not stay the same

I will burst out of cage through all the barricades

Everything will not be the same


No one is luckless

Through where no one's ever looking

End of my old life

Next life

My next life


細味歌曲 lrc

○ 舒較慢搖的曲調配搭薩吉獨有的唱法,將天才少年秦風內內心深處的混沌與糾結,他頭上亦正亦邪的個性刻劃得淋漓盡致。

When the shadows fall keep cutting me down

I'll be on my way

So trade that typical for something

Drift into darkness

I've learned to be ashamed with my scars

A place that will be called my own

On My Way

So quiet

○ 《唐人街探案3》是由陳思誠 執導,王寶強 、劉昊然 領銜主演,妻夫木聰 、丹尼爾·賈 、長澤雅美 等人主演的驚悚喜劇片;于于2021年2月12日公映。

Let me be endless

This time

When comes the fairness

Through the dark a world is waiting

○ 〈On My Way〉是由 薩吉作詞,胡小鷗作曲,薩吉獻唱的一首曲目;是影片《唐人街探案3》的片尾曲,發售於2021年2月13日。

New and colorful like you say

If I meant to be disowned and disgraced

Feeling so quiet

○ 走在他們的馬路上,一路磨練一路蛻變,起程人生新階段;帶有迷幻個性的Trip-Hop音樂風格與電影中秦風神祕身世相呼應,這些隱藏在記憶深處的往事徐徐掀開,秦風將直面內心深處迎來蛻變。

Feed my blood to be warrior

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