Cari Prior Convictions hasil, Total 3 (takeTime} detik).

Mar,Sun Di Teater
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/%07/%2022 Di Teater
阿川佳代 (有村架純 飾) 是個從事保護司工作的剛強男生,責任協助犯罪者和混混改過自身。阿川的輔助對象多是困難人。 這半年來,工藤誠(森田剛 飾)是阿川的個案。工藤於假釋期間在貨車修理場工作,經理被他對嚴肅的工作立場打動。就在這時,傷殺刑事案件陸續再次發生。刑事瀧本真司(磯村勇鬥 飾)就事件進行搜查,就在他一籌莫展的時候,又有一件刑事案件再次發生了⋯⋯
/%01/%2022 Di Teater
Kayo is a probation officer who forges ahead with her job. Continuing to work closely with ex-convicts, she is assigned to Kudo who had committed murder. As she endeavors to rehabi...