Cari HOWL hasil, Total 14 (takeTime} detik).

/%11/%2010 Di Teater
“我看著我們這一代最傑出的心靈毀於瘋狂,挨餓、歇斯底里、全身赤裸…” ─ Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) 1955年,一位名叫艾倫金斯堡的年輕人在帶有酒意的狀態下當眾朗讀了他的散文式詩作——Howl。持著有如咒語般連珠砲式的語調,金斯堡宣洩了自己對社會現況、對戰爭、對生命和對死亡的有感而發,即便整首詩用字粗俗大膽,描繪的意境天馬行空,卻...
/%10/%2015 Di Teater
When passengers on a train are attacked by a creature, they must band together in order to survive until morning.
/%01/%2010 Di Teater
/%09/%2010 Di Teater
《嚎囂》是一套2010年的美國實驗電影,由洛·鴨斯汀及謝菲·費烈曼執導,詹姆斯·法蘭科等主演。電影以1950年代的美國爲背景,描繪垮掉派詩人艾倫·金斯堡的青年時期與他名作《嚎叫》在六畫廊的揭幕及其後的淫褻審訊,並混合了該詩不同段落的動畫版。 本片是美國“垮掉派”詩人艾倫&m...
/%01/%2011 Di Teater
/%09/%2013 Di Teater
A young couple, Pedro and Antônia, have their relationship weakening after meeting Luana. Romance, seduction, fear and anguish from the future are established in this story of liqu...
/%01/%2011 Di Teater
/%01/%1968 Di Teater
/%09/%2015 Di Teater
Mowgli's on a mission to prove he's a real howling, prowling wolf. But a jealous cub and his creature co-horts will stop at nothing to keep him out of the pack!
/%10/%2013 Di Teater
Kate & Humphrey and their three wolf cubs (Smokey, Claudette and Runt) are happily preparing to celebrate their first winter holidays together when their smallest cub, Runt, myster...
/%11/%2023 Di Teater
18歲少女蘇菲被荒野女巫的魔咒變成了90歲老婆婆,為找尋解除咒語的方法,偶然闖入了四處遊走、充滿機關和魔法的移動城堡,裡面一道魔法門,更可通往四個神奇世界。 城堡中,蘇菲遇上了魔法師哈爾。他英俊迷人,擁有不可思議的法力,但傳聞他專吃年青美女的心。蘇菲在城堡住下來,與哈爾的小徒弟馬克、火之惡魔卡西火和稻草人,展開了魔幻的同居生活,並逐漸走入了哈爾不為人知的奇...
/%10/%2013 Di Teater
凱特(Kate)和 亨弗雷(Humphrey)還有他們的3個孩子 (Stinky, Claudette and Runt) 正在興致勃勃地準備一起慶祝他們的第一個冬天,而他們最小的幼崽Runt,卻神祕地消失了。此刻,他們必須跨越曠野前往新的征程,在大雪封路之前找到並帶回 Runt。這是他們的最大的冒險,途中充滿了動作和懸念,以及許多幽默和感人的瞬間。雖然他們...