Cari Cirkus hasil, Total 10 (takeTime} detik).

/%12/%2022 Di Teater
Dr Roy Jamnadas who is working on a theory based on ‘nature vs nurture’ separates two sets of identical twins he finds at the doorstep of the orphanage he runs and gives them up fo...
/%12/%2022 Di Teater
Two sets of identical twins are accidentally separated at birth. Several years later, when they are coincidentally in the same town, there is a lot of confusion and misunderstandin...
/%12/%2022 Di Teater
Setelah menemukan dua pasang kembar identik di depan pintu panti asuhannya, Dr. Roy Jamnadas menyerahkan mereka untuk diadopsi oleh dua keluarga berbeda di dua kota berbeda. Bertah...
/%12/%2022 Di Teater
Dr Roy Jamnadas who is working on a theory based on `nature vs nurture` separates two sets of identical twins that he finds on the doorstep of the orphanage that he runs. He gives ...
/%06/%2014 Di Teater
Circus Summarum is a musical magical circus show for the whole family. Here are beautiful songs, hazardous air numbers, poetry, crazy clown numbers and fun surprises. Meet all the ...
/%06/%2015 Di Teater
/%10/%2017 Di Teater
"What a Damn Circus" - A young university student Hugo falls in love with promising violinist Agnes, but something happens that changes his life completely. Moving on, the story tu...
/%10/%2011 Di Teater
愛上老爸的情婦,令他們笑中又帶淚 在德國流亡20多年後,和兒子素未謀面的父親,開著閃亮紅色賓士,載著年輕性感的紅髮女友與一隻黑貓返鄉,把他的黃臉婆妻子逐出住所,準備和新任情婦展開新生活。他良心發現,將兒子接回來同住重修父子之情,父親不給情婦,卻給了兒子房屋兩把鎖匙,但是兒子竟然被父親的情人煞到,兩人一見鍾情,頓然引爆一場愛情與家庭危機…。 隨著波士尼亞戰爭的...
/%01/%2010 Di Teater
. 옛 유고슬라비아를 배경으로, 독일에서 큰돈과 함께 새로운 삶에 대한 희망을 가지고 헤르체고비나로 돌아온 한 남자의 이야기를 그리는 작품.(바다공원님 제공)더보기
/%07/%2010 Di Teater
故事發生在波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那(波黑),1991年,南斯拉夫社會主義聯邦共和國解體之後,南斯拉夫內戰之前,在德國流放了20多年的主人公開著梅賽德斯載著20歲的女友回到故鄉黑塞哥維那。 電影改編自波黑著名作家Ivica Đikić的同名小說。 ...