Cari Amuse hasil, Total 3 (takeTime} detik).

/%01/%1990 Di Teater
Captives find themselves at the mercy of a lunatic who dresses like a clown. He does not seem to be aware that his amusement is terrifying to the victims who are forced to particip...
/%01/%1990 Di Teater
Telaroli's third film in the "Amuse-gueule" experimental film series, featuring John Carpenter's "Elvis" (made for TV in 1979, projected and “re-recorded” in an apartment in 2013, ...
/%05/%2023 Di Teater
芸能事務所アミューズに所属する俳優たちによるイベント「Amuse Presents SUPER HANDSOME LIVE 2022 “ROCK YOU! ROCK ME!!”」の模様を収録し、3面スクリーンの劇場で上映。 2005年から開催され、通称「ハンサムライブ」として知られる「SUPER HANDSOME LIVE」は、アミューズ所属の若手俳優たち...