Cari AJOOMMA hasil, Total 7 (takeTime} detik).

/%10/%2022 Di Teater
Produced by award-winning filmmaker Anthony Chen. Auntie (Hong Huifang), is a middle-aged Singaporean woman who has dedicated the best years of her life to caring for her family. N...
/%02/%2023 Di Teater
A middle-aged widowed Singaporean woman named Auntie has spent the majority of her life providing for her family. As her adult son Sam becomes more independent, she is left to deal...
/%11/%2022 Di Teater
Auntie is a middle-aged woman who has dedicated the best years of her life to caring for her family. Now widowed with her grown-up son about to fly the roost, Auntie is left to con...
/%10/%2022 Di Teater
Get up close with Golden Horse Nominee for Best Leading Actress Hong Hui Fang, Korean actor Kang Hyung Suk, Award-winning Producer Anthony Chen and Golden Horse Nominee for Best Ne...
/%02/%2023 Di Teater
A middle-aged widowed Singaporean woman named Auntie has spent the majority of her life providing for her family. As her adult son Sam becomes more independent, she is left to deal...
/%12/%2022 Di Teater
《花路阿朱媽》,前名《花路安娣》、《阿姨》,是新韓兩地聯制的2022年影片,由《回程667》的何書銘執導,新加坡編劇陳哲藝製作的情景喜劇長片。影片於2022年10月7日在釜山國際性影展舉辦全世界上映。 痴迷韓劇的新加坡大媽(洪慧芳一角),生活體驗是看韓劇,並草率地模仿韓語。正逢連休前夕,原先滿心期望要跟弟弟(包勳評一角)赴韓旅行,竟然卻被臨陣放鴿子,讓...
/%10/%2022 Di Teater
《花路阿朱媽》,前名《花路安娣》、《阿姨》,是新韓兩地聯制的2022年影片,由《回程667》的何書銘執導,新加坡編劇陳哲藝製作的情景喜劇長片。影片於2022年10月7日在釜山國際性影展舉辦全世界上映。 新加坡大媽痴迷韓劇,滿心期望與弟弟赴韓旅行,卻被臨陣放鴿子。為父母做牛做馬的她,頭一遭要求為自己活一場,照原訂方案抵達,只是這場烏龍歷險,遠比想像中要荒...