Cari Madras Cafe hasil, Total 4 (takeTime} detik).

/%09/%2014 Di Teater
A portrayal of the lives of the people living in North Madras, focusing on the politics inside the slums and how their plight remains the same, despite the political class luring t...
/%08/%2013 Di Teater
An Indian Intelligence agent journeys into a war torn coastal island, to break a resolute rebel group. He deftly maneuvers his resources to make significant breakthroughs, amidst a...
/%01/%1990 Di Teater
Director Karan Bali's insight into a largely unknown slice of Tamil film history. American citizen Ellis R Dungan travelled to India in the 1930s. He intended to stay for six month...
/%08/%2013 Di Teater
導演舒吉特·瑟加(Shoojit Sircar)的新片《諜戰馬德拉斯/悍戰諜影》(Madras Cafe)是一部關於印度情報部門特工的影片,背景設置於80年代末90年代初。就在印度和平力量撤退之後,某特工被派去斯里蘭卡,執行祕密破壞內戰反動勢力的任務。深陷混戰與政治陰謀之中,他遇到了一名英國記者,並化解了一場刺殺行動。本片由攝影師卡瑪裡吉·耐基(Kamalj...