Cari 阿什丽·提斯代尔 hasil, Total 2225 (takeTime} detik).

/%08/%2013 Di Teater
《阿什利 Ashley》是一部2013 年的劇情片,由迪恩·羅納茲執導,妮可·福克斯、妮可·布勒、詹妮弗·泰勒、邁克爾·馬德森和湯姆·馬洛伊主演。 一個十幾歲的女孩,想在度假村割腕自殺,以報復與她疏遠的母親。 後來她開發了一個線上與老年婦女的交流工具時,她學會了接受她的...
/%03/%2008 Di Teater
英文片名:Otis國家:美國 年份:2008IMDB:6.3爛蕃茄:??% 發行資訊:臺灣地區DVD華納家庭娛樂發行 ...
/%01/%2015 Di Teater
20世紀50、60年代,亨利·韋斯特博士(威廉·麥鮑瑟 William Mapother 飾)建立了靈學實驗室阿提克斯研究所,針對超能力、透視、讀心術、隔空取物等邊緣學科展開研究。雖然遭遇了無數的挫折與嘲笑,但是韋斯特博士仍堅持不懈朝著目標前進。1975年,他的實驗室因某起騙局而被迫關閉,就在此時一個略顯神經質的女人朱迪思·溫斯黛德(萊亞·吉斯特德 Rya ...
/%01/%2019 Di Teater
/%10/%2010 Di Teater
Three college students disappear in a remote village dominated by caste politics. An army officer, and a CBI officer, are sent to investigate the high profile case which has become...
/%01/%2010 Di Teater
/%01/%2020 Di Teater
Chen Xian and Li Jia, are a couple who have been married for many years. Chen Xian, who is busy with his career, gradually neglects his family. Li Jia is understanding and supporti...
/%09/%2015 Di Teater
ASHBY is a coming of age/approaching death comedy drama. A seventeen-year-old kid (Ed) trying to understand who he wants to be in the world, befriends a terminally ill ex-CIA contr...
/%01/%1970 Di Teater
《匈奴王·阿提拉 attila》 December 2013 (USA) When American soldiers inadvertently steal Attila the Hun's secret riches, the wrath of the barbarian is awakened; the mummifi...
/%10/%2015 Di Teater
A brutal home-jacking goes hopelessly wrong. Dave, one of the two robbers, manages to run off, leaving his brother Kenneth behind. Four years later, Kenneth is released from prison...
/%01/%2012 Di Teater
Seer 2 is a Chinese animated fantasy adventure film based on the online game of the same name.
/%02/%2016 Di Teater
/%10/%2011 Di Teater
/%01/%1970 Di Teater
The incredible story of genius musician Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, told in flashback by his peer and secret rival Antonio Salieri – now confined to an insane asylum.
/%01/%2013 Di Teater
The film starts with Akaash & Vani both setting out on their journey towards a common destination St. Stephens College, Delhi University. It so happens that the moment they mee...
/%03/%2010 Di Teater
/%05/%2016 Di Teater
导演: 杰伊·卡拉斯 编剧: Ali Wong 主演: 黄阿丽 类型: 喜剧 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2016-05-06 片长: 60分钟 IMDb链接: tt5066...
/%11/%2016 Di Teater
导演: Jean-Patrick Benes 编剧: Jean-Patrick Benes / Jérémie Guez / Allan Mauduit 主演: Ola Rapace / Micha Lescot / Thierry Hancisse / Ruth Vega Fernandez 类型: 动作 /...
/%10/%2022 Di Teater
克里斯汀貝爾 X 約拿歐羅素 最佳金獎拍檔 第三度合作 克里斯汀貝爾、瑪格羅比、彼得約拿華盛頓 超強卡司眾星雲集 三屆奧斯卡提名鬼才名導 約拿歐羅素 時隔七年最新原創力作 約拿歐羅素首部時期史詩大片 浪漫融合犯罪 感到拍案叫絕 金獎提名大導約拿歐羅素時隔七年最新原創力作,這次他首度自由選擇歷史寫實, 《阿姆斯特丹》是一部2022...
/%10/%2022 Di Teater