Cari 路易斯普曼 hasil, Total 2107 (takeTime} detik).

/%09/%2008 Di Teater
/%06/%2011 Di Teater
Louis C.K. as a newly divorced father raising his two daughters in New York City.It will be a half-hour production. The series will be loosely b...
/%06/%2010 Di Teater
Louis C.K. as a newly divorced father raising his two daughters in New York City.It will be a half-hour production. The series will be loosely b...
/%11/%1985 Di Teater
Crumb director Terry Zwigoff’s first film is a true treat: a documentary about the obscure country blues musician and idiosyncratic visual artist Howard “Louie Bluie” Armstrong, me...
/%12/%2015 Di Teater
這部名為《克朗普斯》(Krampus)的影片其靈感來自德國民間傳說,將在2015年11月25日上映。 在德國民間故事裡,“克朗普斯”(Krampus)是一個可怕的魔鬼,他專門在聖誕節懲罰那些不聽話的小孩。
/%12/%2011 Di Teater
導演: Josée Dayan 主演: 傑拉爾·德帕迪約 / 芬妮·阿爾丹 / 康斯坦丁·哈賓斯基 型別: 劇情 / 傳記 / 歷史 製片國家/地區: 法國 / 俄羅斯 語言: 法語 / 俄語 上映日期: 2011-12-25(法國) ...
/%03/%1996 Di Teater
《拉斯普京 Rasputin》是一部1996年的傳記歷史劇電視電影,記錄了格里戈裏·拉斯普京(Grigori Rasputin)在俄羅斯沙雷維奇(Tsarevich)的阿列克謝·尼古拉耶維奇(Alexei Nikolaevich)擔任治療師的最後四年。 1910年代,俄國沙皇尼古拉二世和他的妻子亞歷山德拉找到了他們的兒子阿列...
/%06/%2017 Di Teater
劇情講述,在佛像工廠擔任夜間警衛的菜埔(莊益增 飾),每天最重要的工作就是深夜幫董仔啟文(戴立忍 飾)開大門,他撿破爛的換帖兄弟肚財(陳竹昇 飾)平時沒事就會來這裡看電視卡唬爛。那天凌晨雨很大,肚財帶著快要過期的咖哩飯來找菜埔,偏偏電視又壞掉,肚財聽人家說有錢人的世界都是彩色的,於是慫恿菜埔拿出董仔的行車紀錄器看看有沒有養眼的東西。 但2人也從一個單純享受情...
/%01/%2016 Di Teater
/%09/%2012 Di Teater
/%06/%2012 Di Teater
2012/6/6(三)早場起 探索人類起源 可能自取滅亡 今年暑假,叱吒好萊塢多年並以產量與質量備受肯定與尊重的大導演雷利史考特,回歸由他立下典範的科幻動作冒險型別,即將打造一部具史詩氣勢的現代神話《普羅米修斯》,以高質感3D帶領觀眾經歷一場壯闊的探險! 一群探險家進行太空探測時,發現了地球人類起源的線索,進而引領他們直探宇宙最黑暗的角落。為了整體人類未來的...
/%07/%2013 Di Teater
pringsteen & I is an upcoming documentary-biographical film directed by Baillie Walsh documenting the life and career of Bruce Springsteen through the eyes and insights of his fans...
/%05/%2013 Di Teater
/%01/%2010 Di Teater
Comedian Louis C.K. gleefully transcends the boundaries of good taste in a stand-up comedy special in which no topic is sacred – including his own children. Whether ranting about i...
/%01/%2007 Di Teater
Comedy and television star Louis C.K. returns to HBO for an hour of no-holds-barred, adults-only stand-up comedy...
/%01/%1979 Di Teater
Description: Biographical movie about the King
/%03/%2009 Di Teater
/%01/%1972 Di Teater
The moon rises at a predestined angle and awakens the sleeping Dr. Phibes in 1928, three years after the events of the previous movie. To his dismay, he finds that his house has be...
/%07/%1969 Di Teater
Dark satire in which the token black man on the executive board of an advertising firm is accidentally put in charge. Renaming the business "Truth and Soul, Inc.", he replaces the ...