Cari 《猛禽小隊:小丑女大解放》 hasil, Total 9977 (takeTime} detik).

/%02/%2020 Di Teater
《猛禽小隊:小丑女大解放》(英語:Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn),中國大陸譯《猛禽小隊和哈莉·奎茵》,香港譯《猛禽暴隊:解瘋小丑女》),或簡稱為《猛禽小隊》(英語:Birds of Prey),是一部2020年上映的美國超級英雄電影,改編自...
/%02/%2020 Di Teater
《猛禽小隊:小丑女大解放》構想來自DC同名漫畫,敘述一個不可能的組合,小丑女哈莉奎茵、黑金絲雀、女獵手與芮妮蒙託亞聯手,企圖從高譚市著名的犯罪首腦:「黑麵具」手中拯救出一位名為卡珊卓拉該隱的小女孩。   《猛禽小隊:小丑女大解放》演員陣容包括瑪格羅比飾演小丑女哈利奎茵、朱妮絲莫利特飾演黑金絲雀、瑪麗伊莉莎白文斯蒂德飾演女獵手、蘿西培瑞茲飾演芮妮蒙託亞、伊旺麥...
/%01/%2018 Di Teater
/%09/%2008 Di Teater
Rick Penning lives life just like he plays rugby; fast, hard-hitting and intense. When life on the edge lands him in jail, prison ward Marcus Tate offers him a chance to get back i...
/%07/%2018 Di Teater
A sensory, immersive composition takes us on a journey to a place that seems to have stopped in time but remains timeless. A female voice reads a mythological text on the origin of...
/%03/%2014 Di Teater
A spy thriller telling a historically based story of a man who alone dares to challenge Soviets being in the middle of the communistic system himself. Planning the maneuvers of War...
/%01/%2012 Di Teater
/%07/%2020 Di Teater
/%01/%2017 Di Teater
Examining the violent death of the filmmaker’s brother and the judicial system that allowed his killer to go free, this documentary interrogates murderous fear and racialized perce...
/%01/%1990 Di Teater
Soon after the rising young singer-songwriter Beau Williams gets involved with a fallen, emotionally unstable country star Kelly Canter, the pair embark on a career resurrection to...
/%01/%2009 Di Teater
三個高中處男傑森(Donald Glover 飾)、鄧肯(D.C. Pierson 飾)以及查理(Dominic Dierkes 飾)十年來痴迷於偵探遊戲,這三個分別自認為是“變裝高手”、“天才少年”和“大力水手”的怪咖在學校裡只是不起眼的小人物,然而他們仍然團結在自己的小團體“神祕之隊”中,整日和事主與罪犯都是小學生的“犯罪”行為做鬥爭。這天,一個女童向神...
/%05/%2013 Di Teater
1983年,一組高中生在好萊塢山度週末時光,當他們從學校出發後無意間遇上了一個失蹤者,正在回家路上的薩姆。 薩姆所做的任何事情都是為了引起女孩珍妮的注意。珍妮是學校的校花,不幸的是,珍妮也是學校橄欖球隊四分衛Biff的女友。Biff和他的同夥喜歡把薩姆帶到廢棄的遊樂場,以證明薩姆的勇氣來...
/%11/%2014 Di Teater
《小丑 Clown》是2014年由喬恩·沃茨(Jon Watts)執導的美國恐怖電影,由麥卡布奇諾(Mac Cappuccino),埃利·羅斯(Eli Roth)和科迪·萊德(Cody Ryder)執導,並由沃茨和克里斯托弗·福特(Christopher Ford)撰寫。電影由勞拉·艾倫,...
/%10/%2019 Di Teater
由《醉後大丈夫》導演陶德菲利浦斯擔任製片、編劇與導演;繼傑克尼克遜、希斯萊傑與傑瑞德勒託之後,瓦昆菲尼克斯成為在大銀幕上第四位接下「小丑」這個角色的演員,看他如何從一個失敗的喜劇演員,一步一步成為高譚市最邪惡、最頂尖的超級罪犯。   導演陶德菲利浦表示:「《小丑》是一部前所未見的獨立電影,有不一樣的原創故事,雖然故事背景一樣發生在高譚市,但是...
/%01/%2013 Di Teater
/%08/%2018 Di Teater
Nami is a 40-year-old housewife. She meets her high school friend Serika for the first time in many years, but Serika now has terminal cancer. Serika tells Nami that she wants to m...
/%03/%2014 Di Teater
Louie is a waiter in a cafe who gets humorously walked all over by his dictatorial boss Kanaan and a sadistic customer when small, absurd misunderstandings become the order of the ...
/%01/%1990 Di Teater
Veronica, a 27-year-old black woman, runs her house very well. Veronica has a college degree in corporate law and works for a popular firm. Darnell is a freelance photographer. A s...
/%09/%2008 Di Teater
/%01/%1989 Di Teater
Just before Halloween, three kid brothers who are alone in a big house are menaced by three escaped mental patients who have murdered some traveling circus clowns and taken their i...