Cari 《對不起,錯過你》 hasil, Total 3522 (takeTime} detik).

/%03/%2020 Di Teater
《對不起,我們錯過了你》(英語:Sorry We Missed You,香港譯《對不起,錯過你》,臺灣譯《抱歉我們錯過你了》)是2019年英國導演肯·洛區執導的劇情長片,併入圍第72屆戛納電影節的正式競賽單元。 一場金融海嘯,令低下階層的力基欠債累累。在朋友介紹下,他加入速遞公司做自僱司機,表面上沒有僱主更自由,其實即是不受法例規管無限時...
/%01/%1990 Di Teater
年老的陳默從與方瑤臨終惜別時的夢中醒來發現方瑤卻已經不在自己身邊,床頭櫃裡久違的電話鈴聲響起,陳默接聽電話,卻還是沒有方瑤的訊息。 陳默坐在經紀人Tommy的車裡,開始回憶起之前他與方瑤在一起生活的快樂回憶。方瑤依偎著陳默兩個人靠在沙發上,方瑤問陳默,以後出名,能不能為她寫一首歌, 陳默敷衍不作迴應。 一日,年輕的陳默在地下道賣唱,被經紀人Tommy發掘,簽...
/%09/%2008 Di Teater
Rick Penning lives life just like he plays rugby; fast, hard-hitting and intense. When life on the edge lands him in jail, prison ward Marcus Tate offers him a chance to get back i...
/%07/%2018 Di Teater
A sensory, immersive composition takes us on a journey to a place that seems to have stopped in time but remains timeless. A female voice reads a mythological text on the origin of...
/%03/%2014 Di Teater
A spy thriller telling a historically based story of a man who alone dares to challenge Soviets being in the middle of the communistic system himself. Planning the maneuvers of War...
/%01/%2014 Di Teater
/%01/%2012 Di Teater
/%07/%2020 Di Teater
/%01/%2017 Di Teater
Examining the violent death of the filmmaker’s brother and the judicial system that allowed his killer to go free, this documentary interrogates murderous fear and racialized perce...
/%01/%1990 Di Teater
Soon after the rising young singer-songwriter Beau Williams gets involved with a fallen, emotionally unstable country star Kelly Canter, the pair embark on a career resurrection to...
/%01/%2009 Di Teater
/%08/%2018 Di Teater
Nami is a 40-year-old housewife. She meets her high school friend Serika for the first time in many years, but Serika now has terminal cancer. Serika tells Nami that she wants to m...
/%03/%2014 Di Teater
Louie is a waiter in a cafe who gets humorously walked all over by his dictatorial boss Kanaan and a sadistic customer when small, absurd misunderstandings become the order of the ...
/%01/%1990 Di Teater
Veronica, a 27-year-old black woman, runs her house very well. Veronica has a college degree in corporate law and works for a popular firm. Darnell is a freelance photographer. A s...
/%01/%2020 Di Teater
露(Dew)大約有2個朋友,彼此相處。但是他們生活在同性戀不被接受的時代。 17歲的小波遇上了另一位從清邁搬來的男孩 阿嘟,兩人從陌生人漸漸成為學校裡最好的朋友,卻也不小心跨越友情的界線,對彼此產生了情愫。無法被世俗理解的感情,兩人承受不了輿論壓力,被現實打破的夢想,兩人選擇妥協分開。23年後,波因工作帶著老婆重回家鄉,過往的回憶全都浮上心頭,這段被封...
/%01/%2015 Di Teater
他們驕縱不馴、嬌氣霸蠻、五穀不分、四體不勤...... 假如他們無須揹負無辜光環,將如何跨越成長、領會親情要義;獨立真實的面對生活呢? 北京: ...
/%01/%2009 Di Teater
《對不起,我愛你 SUMIMASEN, LOVE》是2009年的一部愛情題材電影,由導演林育賢執導的第二部劇情長片,於2009年1月9日在臺灣首映。劇中的男女主角吳懷中和田中千繪都是以其本名來演出。該片接受高雄市政府新臺幣一百五十萬元的輔導金資助拍攝。 這是個緣份遊戲,一旦陷入,便無法自拔 場景在愛河邊。她是日本人,他是臺灣人。 他借她五百...
/%05/%2011 Di Teater
아버지가 남긴 마지막 선물   로봇 공학에 평생을 바친 1세대 과학자 오명철 박사는 큰 단독주택에 반려견 ‘수철이’와 단둘이 의지하며 살고 있다. 미술관 큐레이터인 딸 수영은 갤러리 운영자금을 위해 아버지가 단독주택을 처분해주기를 바라지만 끝까지 고집을 피우는 아버지가 원망스럽다. 그러던 ...
/%01/%2004 Di Teater
/%01/%2017 Di Teater
《強島》(Strong Island) 導演:揚斯·福特(Yance Ford) 入圍2017年聖丹斯電影節紀錄片單元