Cari 《只有芸知道》 hasil, Total 1743 (takeTime} detik).

/%06/%2020 Di Teater
《只有芸知道》(英語:Only Cloud Knows)是2019年由馮小剛執導的中國愛情片,黃軒、楊採鈺、徐帆和莉迪亞·佩克漢姆(Lydia Peckham)主演。影片改編自馮小剛摯友的真實經歷,講述隋東風和羅芸的愛情婚姻與悲劇。影片於2019年12月20日上映。 居住在奧克蘭的隋東風(黃軒 飾),與同樣在外漂泊的羅芸(楊採鈺 飾)因合...
/%06/%2018 Di Teater
/%09/%2008 Di Teater
Rick Penning lives life just like he plays rugby; fast, hard-hitting and intense. When life on the edge lands him in jail, prison ward Marcus Tate offers him a chance to get back i...
/%07/%2018 Di Teater
A sensory, immersive composition takes us on a journey to a place that seems to have stopped in time but remains timeless. A female voice reads a mythological text on the origin of...
/%03/%2014 Di Teater
A spy thriller telling a historically based story of a man who alone dares to challenge Soviets being in the middle of the communistic system himself. Planning the maneuvers of War...
/%01/%2012 Di Teater
/%07/%2020 Di Teater
/%01/%2017 Di Teater
Examining the violent death of the filmmaker’s brother and the judicial system that allowed his killer to go free, this documentary interrogates murderous fear and racialized perce...
/%01/%1990 Di Teater
Soon after the rising young singer-songwriter Beau Williams gets involved with a fallen, emotionally unstable country star Kelly Canter, the pair embark on a career resurrection to...
/%05/%2021 Di Teater
《只有芸知道 Only Cloud Konws》是2019年由馮小剛執導的中國愛情片,黃軒、楊採鈺、徐帆和莉迪亞·佩克漢姆主演。影片改編自馮小剛摯友的真實經歷,講述隋東風和羅芸的愛情婚姻與悲劇。影片於2019年12月20日上映。 改編自真人真事的動人愛情故事,兩個異鄉人相愛一生的虐心愛戀 名導馮小剛細膩執導,實力派演員黃軒和新生代楊採鈺詮...
/%06/%2020 Di Teater
《只有芸知道》是2019年由馮小剛執導的中國愛情片,黃軒、楊採鈺、徐帆和莉迪亞·佩克漢姆主演。影片改編自馮小剛摯友的真實經歷,講述隋東風和羅芸的愛情婚姻與悲劇。影片於2019年12月20日上映。 居住在奧克蘭的隋東風(黃軒 飾),與同樣在外漂泊的羅芸(楊採鈺 飾)因合租林太(徐帆 飾)的房子而結緣。兩人結婚後,來到了安靜的克萊德小鎮經營一...
/%02/%2015 Di Teater
“你永遠也不知道,兩通沒有接到的電話,竟會失去兩個最愛的人,人生從此發生改變。”美麗女孩金天(王麗坤 飾)遭到未婚夫背叛,而她在這個世上的唯一親人奶奶陳蘭心(徐靜蕾 飾)也因病去世。這個萬念俱灰的女孩頓時失去人生的方向,彷徨間她拉起行李箱,乘飛機來到了浪漫都市布拉格。至於為什麼來到這裡她沒有確切的原因,或許是因為這是奶奶年輕時曾生活過的地方。金天不願再像從前...
/%03/%2015 Di Teater
/%01/%2015 Di Teater
Jin Ying is currently experiencing two of life’s most depressing moments: She is jilted by her fiancé, and her loving grandmother passes away. Heartbroken, she decides to visit the...
/%08/%2018 Di Teater
Nami is a 40-year-old housewife. She meets her high school friend Serika for the first time in many years, but Serika now has terminal cancer. Serika tells Nami that she wants to m...
/%03/%2014 Di Teater
Louie is a waiter in a cafe who gets humorously walked all over by his dictatorial boss Kanaan and a sadistic customer when small, absurd misunderstandings become the order of the ...
/%01/%1990 Di Teater
Veronica, a 27-year-old black woman, runs her house very well. Veronica has a college degree in corporate law and works for a popular firm. Darnell is a freelance photographer. A s...
/%06/%2018 Di Teater
《只有大海知道 Long Time No Sea》講述了:自小由年邁祖母養育長大的男孩馬那衛,總盼望長期在臺灣謀生的缺席父親,有天能回到蘭嶼、陪伴他的成長。這個夏天,學校來了一位年輕老師遊仲勛。被迫放棄熱鬧都市生活的他,一心想爭取記功嘉獎,期待早日能調回臺灣。 有天,傳來一個好訊息!全國原住民舞蹈大賽將於高雄舉辦,蘭嶼決定參加。仲勛立刻自告奮勇,接下指...
/%09/%2022 Di Teater
《只有貓咪知道》三位小孩早已長大成人,以往一家五口的家只剩老夫婦勝(藤竜也 飾)及有喜子(倍賞千恵子 飾),還有一隻貓咪小粒。勝是典型的大男人,固執性情,亦從來不做家務。 有喜子每天打理家事及侍奉丈夫,而家中唯一的傾訴對象就是貓咪小粒。一天,有喜子跟女兒坦白道:「我想和你爸離婚。」令三位父母擔憂深感。就在此時,小粒喪失了蹤跡。為什麼妻子期望再婚?知悉妻...
/%01/%2017 Di Teater
《強島》(Strong Island) 導演:揚斯·福特(Yance Ford) 入圍2017年聖丹斯電影節紀錄片單元