Cari 羅伯·詹姆斯克里爾 hasil, Total 3096 (takeTime} detik).

/%08/%2017 Di Teater
Charting the story of Formula One's most celebrated family, Williams is a thrilling account of how one man built a racing empire and a vivid, heart-rending portrait of the aftermat...
/%04/%2017 Di Teater
Spark, a teenage monkey and his friends, Chunk and Vix, are on a mission to regain Planet Bana - a kingdom overtaken by the evil overlord Zhong.
/%03/%2019 Di Teater
改編歷史上最嚴重艦艇沉沒事件,《鐵達尼號》後,最磅礡真實災難故事 《攻敵必救》製片團隊傾力打造   故事改編自歷史上最嚴重艦艇沉沒事件,俄羅斯潛艇“K-141庫爾斯克號”災難事故。   當時進行作戰訓練的庫爾斯克號內魚雷自爆,造成潛艇內部重大傷亡,118名船員僅剩23名倖免逃過爆炸,艦艇沉沒在巴倫支海2000呎深處;岸上的家人不斷拼命地與官僚鬥爭,船員們依靠...
/%01/%1990 Di Teater
An aspiring playwright in New York strikes up a friendship with a guy while on the rebound from a break-up. Screenshots: The.Incredible.Jessica.James.2017...
/%07/%2007 Di Teater
導演: 克里斯蒂亞諾.羅納爾多 主演: 克里斯蒂亞諾.羅納爾多 製片國家/地區: 英國 語言: 英語 上映日期: 2007-07-20
/%09/%2011 Di Teater
/%01/%2009 Di Teater
Written and directed by Ernesto Diaz Espinoza, the film stars Marko Zaror as ” a young hitman who will not relent until he has exacted bloody revenge on the man who killed his moth...
/%05/%2010 Di Teater
The town of Westbrick is a rough place to live in. It is here that the young rookie cop Matthew lives with his wife. Meanwhile, notorious serial killers Billy and Barbara embark on...
/%01/%2009 Di Teater
/%03/%2014 Di Teater
/%06/%2011 Di Teater
本片榮獲2011年塞巴斯蒂安國際電影節最佳紀錄片提名。 影片從兩位拳擊傳奇巨星兄弟在烏克蘭社會主義時代的童年艱難生活開始,直到他們成為國際拳壇巨星,展現了他們的努力及相互的衝突,著重刻劃了兄弟情,以及他們的故事激勵了一代體育迷。
/%10/%1960 Di Teater
《萬夫莫敵》是一套1960年的美國傳記片,由史丹利·庫柏力克執導,寇克·道格拉斯等主演。電影以斯巴達克斯的經歷爲藍本,描述他率領奴隸起義對抗羅馬人的故事。獲得金球獎最佳戲劇類影片。保守派影視如90年代著名青少年電影《獨領風騷》等喜歡將此片說成是同性戀所愛好,以減少佔人口多數的異性戀者觀看此反抗奴役的經典電影。 公元前73年,...
/%01/%1990 Di Teater
The University of California at Berkeley, the oldest and most prestigious member of a ten campus public education system, is also one of the finest research and teaching facilities...
/%12/%2012 Di Teater
導演: Tim Kirkby 編劇: 西蒙·阿姆斯特爾 主演: 西蒙·阿姆斯特爾 官方網站: 製片國家/地區: 英國 語言: 英語 上映日期: 2012-12-31...
/%01/%2016 Di Teater
Winner of the Audience Award at the Los Angeles LGBT Film Festival (OUTFEST), this heartwarming drama is a love letter to the dream of a teenager. Miles is a high school student fr...
/%01/%1967 Di Teater
Tony Rome is an ex-cop turned private eye in Miami Beach. For $200 he returns to her father's house a young woman who's passed out in a seedy hotel and keeps the hotel's name out o...
/%12/%2012 Di Teater
六歲女孩小瑪,和爸爸阿湯相依為命。小瑪是爸爸生命中最重要的事物,即使生活拮据,阿湯仍儘可能讓小瑪的童年過得美好快樂。不過當小瑪遇見阻街女郎小玫,一切就完全不一樣了…。小瑪決定給爸爸跟自己一份特別的聖誕禮物:一個女人! ...
/%01/%2013 Di Teater
India Stoker (Mia Wasikowska) was not prepared to lose her father and best friend Richard (Dermot Mulroney) in a tragic auto accident. The solitude of her woodsy family estate, the...
/%09/%2002 Di Teater
希特勒(Noah Taylor)從小立志要當傑出畫家,一名猶太美術老師(John Cusack)未能成功開啟他的藝術天份,才促使了希特勒日後投效政壇呼風喚雨,電影主要著墨在兩人亦師亦友的關係上。
/%01/%2022 Di Teater