Cari 沙義德普爾薩米 hasil, Total 1979 (takeTime} detik).

/%01/%1994 Di Teater
  影片《米德鎮的春天》的背景是政局動湯不安的十九世紀英國,講述的是一個由愛情、政治和苦悶熱情相互交織而成的故事。片中兩位主演均表現出了各自特有的功力,將一個單純而又複雜情感漩渦攪得既精彩而又生動。 野心勃勃的年輕醫師李蓋特到米德鎮新的醫院任職,鎮上的年輕女子多蘿西雅也正積極的尋找生命意義。而她卻深深受到年長又充滿書卷氣的愛德華所吸引而無法自...
/%05/%2013 Di Teater
/%01/%1976 Di Teater
在某個海濱小鎮的角落裡,有一爿富貴莊園。在莊園內,隱居著一個鮮為人知的女富豪。她名叫多莉安·格雷(莉娜·羅梅 Lina Romay 飾),雖然只是如花的年齡,卻坐擁千萬家產。關於她的私人生活外界鮮為人知,而人們又分外感興趣,尤其是多莉安還有一個雙胞胎的姐妹,關於她的下落人們百般猜測。多莉安的生活驕奢淫逸,並且她似乎能與那個患有精神病的妹妹共同感受來自於身體上...
/%10/%2015 Di Teater
"Although hundreds of disturbing paranormal events occur every year, most of these chilling encounters go unreported - until now. Bear witness as hapless victims experience the uns...
/%03/%1996 Di Teater
/%09/%2015 Di Teater
A documentary about writer and director Brian De Palma.
/%01/%1938 Di Teater
A sparkling four-way affair overflowing with dialogue that showcases writer-director Sacha Guitry’s wit, Quadrille stars Guitry as a magazine editor whose longtime girlfriend (whom...
/%01/%1990 Di Teater
關於美國60年代脫口秀鼻祖Richard Pryor的記錄片。
/%01/%2016 Di Teater
導演: 休·赫德森 編劇: Olivia Hetreed / José Luis López-Linares 主演: 安東尼奧·班德拉斯 / 魯伯特·艾弗雷特 / 格什菲·法拉哈尼 / 尼古拉斯·法瑞爾 / 皮埃爾·尼內 型別: 劇情 製片國家/地區: 西班牙 / 法國 / 英...
/%05/%1994 Di Teater
Spain 1812 After the siege of Cuidad Rodrigo, the Dule of Wellington plans to lay siege to Badajoz. Meanwhile, Teresa tell...
/%06/%1994 Di Teater
Portugal 1813 French, Portuguese and British deserters have banded together and taken over the village of Adrados. They ar...
/%04/%1995 Di Teater
Spain, Summer 1813 After a campaign battle, Sharpe discovers that a group of soldiers led by Sgt. Rodd are deserting. The p...
/%05/%1996 Di Teater
France 1813 Col. Cresson and Gen. Calvet plan to capture Wellington's intelligence chief, Maj. Gen. Ross. Gypsies are campi...
/%05/%1997 Di Teater
Toulouse - April 1814 In the French camp, Ducos watches as Napoleon's fortune is loaded on a cart. If Toulouse falls, the ...
/%05/%1993 Di Teater
Richard Sharpe is a scrappy Sergeant with the second Battalion of the 95th Rifles. After bravely saving the life of the Sir Arthur Wellesley (the future Duke of Wellington), Sharpe...
/%05/%1996 Di Teater
Winter 1813 A pro-Bourbon Noble, the Compte de Maquerre is in Wellington's camp, arguing that Bordeaux is ripe for rebellio...
/%06/%1994 Di Teater
Spain 1813 Aided by Ducos, Napoleon is considering a plan. All it will take is one death and one imprisonment, and Britain...
/%06/%2017 Di Teater
/%01/%2010 Di Teater
導演: Dan Garcia 編劇: Dan Garcia 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 上映日期: 2010 IMDb連結: tt1460639
/%01/%1990 Di Teater
In the future, man’s quest for answers will take him to the edge of the universe. But the knowledge they seek, should never be known.