Cari 108悍將 hasil, Total 242 (takeTime} detik).

/%01/%1990 Di Teater
/%01/%2023 Di Teater
因為暗殺行動遭到目擊,黑幫老大阿諾德(布魯斯威利 飾)命令他的手下蓋博(麥克魯克 飾)消滅所有潛在威脅,蓋博曾是美國海軍陸戰隊成員,急於向老大證明自己的他,殺人放火毫不手軟,隨著死在他手上的人越來越多,蓋博逐漸讓自己陷入絕境……。
/%09/%1994 Di Teater
/%03/%2012 Di Teater
Based on the true story of the legendary lawman, Earp recounts how he brought together the Best of the West to avenge the vicious murder of his beloved Dora. Joined by the famed Ba...
/%03/%1991 Di Teater
本片是Jeff Speakman初登大銀幕的作品,他飾演一名空手道大師,系出名門,在外闖蕩多年後回到家鄉,卻碰上自己的師父遭人謀殺,他怒火中燒急欲報復,但他的對手可是數一數二的冷血凶殘。另外本片的武打場面,可說是自李小龍後前所未見的血脈噴張,功夫迷絕對不容錯過!
/%09/%1996 Di Teater
《終極悍將》改編自日本大導演黑澤明的經典之作《大鏢客》,背景落在1931年,美國最激烈的禁酒年代。西部德州,一個狂風飛沙,死氣沉沉的蕭條小鎮,如同其它典型的美國西部小鎮一般,隨著人口流失,牛仔也日漸凋零了,剩下乘坐四輪車,身著斜紋軟呢的匪徒,他們來到此地,希望藉由掌控來自墨西哥邊境的非法私酒買賣而大撈一筆。 小鎮在警長(布魯斯登飾)的包庇下已無王法可言,大量...
/%01/%1998 Di Teater
導演: Rod Hardy 編劇: James Lee Burke / Larry Brothers 型別: 犯罪 / 西部 製片國家/地區: 美國 上映日期: 1998-01-18 IMD...
/%04/%1993 Di Teater
Based on the true life experiences of poet Jimmy Santiago Baca, the film focuses on half-brothers Paco and Cruz, and their bi-racial cousin Miklo. It opens in 1972, as the three ar...
/%09/%1995 Di Teater
/%04/%1997 Di Teater
賓夕凡尼亞大道1600號,這是美國民主的象徵,也是美國最有權勢的地點,它就是美國首府白宮。一日在白宮內發現一具年輕女屍,華盛頓特區刑警瑞吉斯(衛斯里史奈普 飾,《刀鋒戰士》)受命調查後發現,這樁命案的背後,竟有政府高層牽扯在內!此時有名祕密特勤組的組員妮娜(黛安蓮恩 飾《家有傑克》)受命將此案低調處理、儘早結束,她的從中干涉令調查過程更是困難重重。 當瑞吉斯...
/%01/%2010 Di Teater
/%09/%2014 Di Teater
With baseball being the last thing on these player's minds, and dealing with one of the longest losing streaks in college history, the team of misfits comes to the realization that...
/%10/%2013 Di Teater
Two generations of professional baseball players return for a reunion game at one of their minor league stops en route to the big leagues. Unbeknownst to them, the owner of the clu...
/%01/%2015 Di Teater
/%01/%2012 Di Teater
/%08/%2015 Di Teater
/%01/%1990 Di Teater
/%01/%1990 Di Teater
머털도사와 108 요괴 ,은 1990에 발표 된 한국 1990 애니메이션,액션,코미디 영화입니다,영화는 염우태가 지배하고 있습니다,안정현,황일청,성유진 및 기타 주요 배우,한국에서 1990년01월01일에 출시되었습니다. 머털이는 어느 날 멧돼지를 쫓다가 동굴속에서 이상한 항아리를 발견한다. 항아리 뚜껑을 여니 그 속에서...
/%01/%2015 Di Teater
Empire of China. 12th century. The King Demons terrorize the land. To defeat these monsters, one needs the courage of a hundred tigers, the strength of a thousand buffalo, the cunn...
/%01/%2018 Di Teater
To take care of the increasingly-rampant international drug trafficking organizations, a joint team was formed. Suspicions and betrayals surround both parties, and among the key pl...