Cari 尼爾·喬丹 hasil, Total 1146 (takeTime} detik).

/%04/%2001 Di Teater
  喬·蒂特(大衛·斯佩德)是個打小就特不招人待見的傻孩子,在他八歲那年,他的父母(加里·布希&卡羅琳·亞倫)終於無法再忍受他了,他們打著去大峽谷旅遊的旗號來到一個陌生的城市,然後趁著喬在垃圾筒裡翻東西吃的機會(這好象不只是傻這么簡單了)扔下他開車跑掉了。   可憐的喬從此開始自謀生路了,好在他傻雖傻點...
/%03/%2021 Di Teater
《尼泊爾布思議 Dear Period》資深紀錄片導演楊力州監製。 【怪咖系列】18支紀錄短片之一 BBC「2017年全球百大女性」臺灣首位入選者林念慈貼身紀錄   不甘安穩於日復一日、體制內生活的念慈,在三十歲之際,離開舒適安全的環境,遠赴尼泊爾。 她發現當地女性受限於環境與文化,對月事有許多困難及委屈,於是興起改變的念頭,推廣佈衛生...
/%10/%2017 Di Teater
The 1 x 90' newly commissioned film will be a very personal documentary revealing how the boy from north London became one of the most influential recording artists of all time and...
/%01/%1990 Di Teater
A fictional account of the 1958 attack against the Hungarian embassy in Bern. Based on a true story about the aftermath of the 1956 Hungarian revolution. ...
/%01/%2010 Di Teater
/%01/%2023 Di Teater
《尼爾:自動人形 Ver1.1a》西曆5012年,忽然侵略火星的外星人與其生產的機械生物體造成人類面對覆滅政治危機,尚存的人類逃向月球,為了奪取火星,藉助人造人士兵們展開反攻登陸作戰。然而無限減少的機械生物體擋住在前讓內戰陷於膠著狀態,作為最後武器,人類派出新型人造人–寄葉的部隊至火星。剛被派往火星的2B與先行調查員9S進發一起執行任務,卻在途中...
/%03/%2015 Di Teater
1970年代傳奇搖滾樂手丹尼柯林斯(阿爾·帕西諾 Al Pacino 飾)在經歷人生低潮時,經紀人(克里斯托弗·普盧默 Christopher Plummer 飾)發現了一封40年來從未送達的信,這封信居然來自披頭士主唱約翰·列儂,在40年前寫給當時19歲的他,這讓他再度受到啟發,毅然決然地離開現在奢華的生活,踏上尋找生命意義的旅程,而他也在這段旅程中收穫了...
/%01/%1983 Di Teater
◎ 簡介: 波蘭導演瓦依達將法國大革命時期的兩個英雄人物搬上銀幕,他們是丹東與羅伯斯庇爾,他們本來是一起分享革命勝利的革命派,卻無奈因為理想的不同而分道揚鑣,後來更成為夙敵。以羅伯斯庇爾為首的公安委員會,為了鎮壓反革命暴亂和打擊投機分子,實行恐怖...
/%07/%2016 Di Teater
The Sports biographical drama on indian-haryana based boxer Sultan Ali Khan.                        
/%07/%1972 Di Teater
導演: Howard Smith (II) / 莎娜 嘉羅菁 (Sarah Kernochan) 主演: 瑪喬葛特納 型別: 紀錄片 / 傳記 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 上映日期: 1972-07-24 片長: 88...
/%08/%2016 Di Teater
Josh treats what would have been his bachelor party as an opportunity to reconnect with his friends.
/%01/%2004 Di Teater
[Friends老友記/六人行]後的Joey在LA的單飛篇,期待紐約老友們的來訪。 揮手作別相伴十載的“Friends”,Joey也告別在紐約成家立業的老友們,來到陽光燦爛的洛杉磯繼續追逐他的明星夢。LA住著他的姐姐Gina,一比特火辣性感、容易興奮的美髮師,同時也是一比特未婚母親,她的天才兒子,20歲Michael,是一比特研究火箭科學的研究生,由於無法繼...
/%07/%2012 Di Teater
In the past few years, American actress Eliza Dushku, who is of mixed Danish and Albanian ancestry, has become passionately interested in and connected to the country of her father...
/%01/%2011 Di Teater
This past May, Neil Young brought his solo tour to Toronto’s Massey Hall, an iconic venue in the city of his birth.
/%04/%2006 Di Teater
A television actor (Andy Dick) drinks too much and gets blackballed from the industry, and then he decides to break back in by directing his own movie. Eventually, he gets sober, a...
/%07/%2015 Di Teater
Many of the original actors will be reprising their roles as the Iconic acquaintances to the perpetual underdog of the films Namesake. According to Spade this film will be aired Di...
/%01/%1990 Di Teater
In far northern Sweden, Eskil is always moving with his father from place to place. He longs for his mother in Denmark, where it’s also warmer. Great that the eccentric Trinidad is...
/%12/%1964 Di Teater
/%06/%1968 Di Teater
/%01/%1970 Di Teater