Cari 羅伯特·貝克爾 hasil, Total 3220 (takeTime} detik).

/%01/%1990 Di Teater
Albert who lives in the small Danish provincial town Kalleby. Albert is always up to no good, but he's also really clumsy. One day he comes to overturn the city's landmarks - a sta...
/%01/%2017 Di Teater
GILBERT is a wildly funny and unexpectedly poignant portrait of the life and career of one of comedy's most iconic figures, Gilbert Gottfried.
/%03/%1935 Di Teater
John Kent (Randolph Scott), a former star football player at Harvard, goes to Paris with his friend Huck Haines (Fred Astaire) and the latter's dance band, the Wabash Indianians. A...
/%01/%1990 Di Teater
/%03/%2022 Di Teater
/%01/%1996 Di Teater
1996, full version – 26 min. (short – 12 min.), colour, BETACAM SP Hermitage Bridge Studio scenario: A. Sokurov ...
/%01/%1990 Di Teater
Kylie Winters| a bullied and self-loathing teen| reluctantly agrees to babysit at an isolated country mansion on Halloween night. When a small boy in a pig mask appears at the door...
/%08/%2002 Di Teater
《羅伯特·肯尼迪 RFK》是羅伯特·多恩海姆(Robert Dornhelm)導演的2002年美國電視電影。它是在羅伯特·肯尼迪(Robert F. Kennedy)的兄弟約翰·肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)於1963年被暗殺後,通過他的眼睛發生的。在他度過這場慘案的過程中,他開始將自己定位爲...
/%03/%2012 Di Teater
/%08/%2015 Di Teater
《羅伯特娃娃》是一部由蘇西·弗朗西斯·加藤,朱迪思·海莉,瑞安·邁克爾斯和弗林·艾倫主演的2015年印地語恐怖驚悚片。這部電影圍繞一個家庭的現實生活而發生,他們的兒子收到一個名叫羅伯特的洋娃娃後,遇到了超自然的力量。演員:保羅·奧托(Paul Otto)。 保羅和珍妮與...
/%09/%1994 Di Teater
羅伯特·克魯伯是一位著名的另類漫畫大師,他創造出的《怪貓菲力茲》更是首部限制級動畫片。影片回顧了漫畫大師的一生,採訪了他的母親、兩個兄弟、妻子以及前女友等人,並挑選了他大量畫作中的經典部分欣賞,一副副鍼砭時弊的的作品不斷出自他的筆尖。 史上最佳20部紀錄片之一。片子製作人是大衛林奇。 ...
/%04/%2008 Di Teater
Berkeley is the story of Ben Sweet, an eighteen year old boy who comes to UC Berkeley in 1968 to study accounting and avoid the draft. There begins an odyssey through sex, drugs, r...
/%11/%2017 Di Teater
/%01/%2010 Di Teater
A peculiar young boy, blurring reality and fantasy, assumes the responsibilities of a family man in his father's absence.
/%09/%2013 Di Teater
A BELFAST STORY explores life after terrorism. Set in a city which has weathered hundreds of years of hatred, 30 years of bombs, and a war without winners, just victims. A new era ...
/%01/%1990 Di Teater
“I met a woman. She said that she is Belfast, the city in Northern Ireland where I grew up. The woman said that she’s as old as the city,” states Mark Cousins at the beginning of h...
/%07/%2005 Di Teater
/%11/%2015 Di Teater
50年代的美國,年輕女子特芮絲(魯妮·瑪拉 飾)在紐約百貨公司擔任售貨員,但心中嚮往的卻是攝影師工作。某日,一位美麗優雅的金髮貴婦卡羅爾(凱特·布蘭切特 飾)來到百貨公司購買聖誕節禮物,結果和特芮絲一見投緣。兩人相識後特芮絲得知原來卡羅爾有一個女兒,而且正和丈夫哈吉(凱爾·錢德勒 飾)辦理離婚手續。通過書信來往、約會...
/%11/%2008 Di Teater
哈維•米爾克(Harvey Milk),被美國時代雜誌評為20世紀代表人物之一的同性戀政治家。 1970年,年屆不惑事業有成然而感情生活卻一路坎坷的小商人米爾克(Sean Penn 西恩•潘 飾),偶然邂逅了年輕英俊的男子斯科特•史密斯(Jame...
/%10/%1975 Di Teater