Cari Badarawuhi Di Desa Penari hasil, Total 6 (takeTime} detik).

Feb,Thu Di Teater
Desa itu masih menyimpan misteri. Kepingan demi kepingan misteri terungkap, termasuk teror dari entitas paling ditakuti yaitu, BADARAWUHI.
Apr,Thu Di Teater
The village still holds many mysteries. Piece by piece of mystery is revealed, including the terror of the most feared entity, namely, Badarawuhi.
Apr,Wed Di Teater
Synopsis is not available.
Jun,Thu Di Teater
The village still holds many mysteries. Piece by piece of mystery is revealed, including the terror of the most feared entity, namely, Badarawuhi.
Apr,Wed Di Teater
Synopsis is not available.
May,Fri Di Teater
超越《阿凡達》!影史最賣座印尼電影正宗續作 全新恐懼來襲!強勢登頂印尼票房冠軍 台灣影史最賣座印尼電影《屍禁》導演再創恐懼巔峰   為了拯救罹患重病的母親,女大學生米拉(莫迪埃夫羅西娜 飾)跟一群朋友前往偏遠的山村「舞者村」,要將母親收藏的手環歸還給守護當地的妖怪「巴達拉烏希」(奧若拉莎拉 飾),結果卻意外引發一連串恐怖的遭遇……。