Cari 馬克斯韋爾·安德森 hasil, Total 3613 (takeTime} detik).

/%12/%2016 Di Teater
影展日期: 12/4(日) 14:30 地點:高雄市立圖書館總館 際會廳(80661 高雄市前鎮區新光路61號) 小論述: 臺灣大銀幕!首次!僅有一場! The One And only!無法模仿也無法抄襲的美國文青教主魏斯安德森,從未在臺正式上映的《月昇冒險王國》,將於12月冷冬中登場,暖和影迷的心!如果,你曾經著迷於繽紛而華麗的銀幕冒險,那就絕不可錯過這...
/%06/%2016 Di Teater
Stockholm My Love is a city symphony, a love letter to Stockholm, the fiction debut of director Mark Cousins and the acting debut of musician Neneh Cherry. It follows one woman's f...
/%01/%1952 Di Teater
/%01/%2016 Di Teater
Winner of the Audience Award at the Los Angeles LGBT Film Festival (OUTFEST), this heartwarming drama is a love letter to the dream of a teenager. Miles is a high school student fr...
/%01/%1996 Di Teater
故事的基礎是一位大約8歲而名為德克斯特(Dexter)的神童。在他房間的書架後面,有一間塞滿各式先進器材的祕密實驗室,要進入必須說出不同的密碼,或啟動書櫃中的隱藏開關。德克斯特有個討人厭的姊姊「蒂蒂」(Dee Dee),經常擅自闖入他的實驗室,並破壞他的發明;許多集數都是圍繞在這個主題。
/%01/%2009 Di Teater
Written and directed by Ernesto Diaz Espinoza, the film stars Marko Zaror as ” a young hitman who will not relent until he has exacted bloody revenge on the man who killed his moth...
/%12/%2012 Di Teater
六歲女孩小瑪,和爸爸阿湯相依為命。小瑪是爸爸生命中最重要的事物,即使生活拮据,阿湯仍儘可能讓小瑪的童年過得美好快樂。不過當小瑪遇見阻街女郎小玫,一切就完全不一樣了…。小瑪決定給爸爸跟自己一份特別的聖誕禮物:一個女人! ...
/%01/%2013 Di Teater
India Stoker (Mia Wasikowska) was not prepared to lose her father and best friend Richard (Dermot Mulroney) in a tragic auto accident. The solitude of her woodsy family estate, the...
/%01/%2010 Di Teater
導演: David Weaver 編劇: Tracy Rosen 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 上映日期: 2010 IMDb連結: tt1629755
/%09/%2001 Di Teater
When queen Victoria visits president Grant, the old and new world leaders brag and sneer, ending up to bet who can catch the Daltons first, her P.I. Sherlock Holmes or U.S. top-sle...
/%01/%2010 Di Teater
/%01/%2010 Di Teater
卡爾文﹝Alex Frost飾﹞從小到大的夢想就是要進大聯盟打球,但他卻連地方小球隊都進不去,難道,他的夢想就這樣毀於一旦...?
/%01/%2013 Di Teater
Oscar Grant(邁克爾·B·喬丹 Michael B. Jordan 飾)和女友Sophina(梅羅妮·迪亞茲 Melonie Diaz 飾)還有四歲的女兒一起生活在奧克蘭。2008年12月31日,是Oscar母親的生日。早上,他像往常一樣送女兒上幼兒園,送女友上班。Oscar賣過大麻、入過獄,因為經常遲到被炒了魷魚,但他準備在新的一年到來之際努力開...
/%06/%2016 Di Teater
Indigenous Detective JAY SWAN arrives in the frontier town of "Goldstone" on a missing persons enquiry. What seems like a simple "light duties" investigation opens into a web of cr...
/%01/%2011 Di Teater
/%07/%1970 Di Teater
The movie is some kind of misnomer ,cause Cromwell's reign is reduced to a short laudatory comment at the end of the movie.However,the film is good with a splendid cast.Richard Har...
/%09/%1958 Di Teater
/%06/%1984 Di Teater
Subhash is a photographer from the city, who has come to take pictures of some old temples and ruins in a village. Ruins fascinate him. While in the village, he gets acquainted wit...
/%11/%2011 Di Teater
《克拉克森:插電 Clarkson: Powered Up》Clarkson is on a mission to find his favourite car of the year, and among the contenders at the Circuit Paul Ricard in France, are a pair of Ferraris ...
/%10/%2007 Di Teater
刑事犯罪檢察官的邁克爾·克萊頓(喬治·克魯尼 George Clooney 飾)曾在紐約法律界風光一時。離職後又在一家大型私人法律事務所謀事。在新老闆馬蒂·巴徹(西德尼·波拉克 Sydney Pollack 飾)的督促下,開始了清理不良記錄的工作中。但工作和個人生活也因此改變:妻子孩子離他而去,債務讓他沒了以前的光彩。財政狀況讓他只得繼續在工作中煎熬。同時,...