Cari Recommended by Enrique hasil, Total 3 (takeTime} detik).

4 years ago
3 years ago
In my entire life, not one person has ever recommended Lethal Weapon. I always assumed it was some dated, unfunny, cornball 80\'s action meant for Saturday-afternoon TV. To my surp...
2 years ago
一如既往地喜歡美國老黑白片的有關電影技術的方方面面,雖然似乎老套,卻做得很用心且完善,演員極為融入角色,主題雖是美式愛國主義洗腦教育,卻不缺小幽默小感動點綴其間。PS: beautifully and affectionately made tribute documentary of Gary Cooper in special feature, high...