Cari Sun Nan hasil, Total 297 (takeTime} detik).

4 years ago
很讚的無厘頭搞笑喜劇。能堅持二十多年拍到第十季實在不容易,期待繼續出十一季。片尾曲旋律感太強了,總是忍不住跟著唱:sun sun fun fun......
3 years ago
\'\'Lower Your Eyelids To Die With The Sun.\'\' 劇情太賤
4 years ago
看完依然不知道片名sun choke到底是什麼意思....
4 years ago
“The sun goes up and then it comes down, but everytime that happens what do you get? You get a new day.”
4 years ago
"If the sun comes up tomorrow, it is only because of men of good will. And that's... that's all there is between us and the devil."
4 years ago
"If the sun comes up tomorrow, it is only because of men of good will. And that's... that's all there is between us and the devil."
4 years ago
2015-02-22 sun.難受的色調 剪輯 後期 故事好像還不錯 可惜拍的太爛
3 years ago
Anna is beautiful, beautiful enough for me. The sun shines on her yellow house, almost like a sign of God.受訪者每個人眼裡都有光。
3 years ago
Anna is beautiful, beautiful enough for me. The sun shines on her yellow house, almost like a sign of God.受訪者每個人眼裡都有光。
3 years ago
Anna is beautiful, beautiful enough for me. The sun shines on her yellow house, almost like a sign of God.受訪者每個人眼裡都有光。
3 years ago
Anna is beautiful, beautiful enough for me. The sun shines on her yellow house, almost like a sign of God.受訪者每個人眼裡都有光。
3 years ago
Anna is beautiful, beautiful enough for me. The sun shines on her yellow house, almost like a sign of God.受訪者每個人眼裡都有光。
3 years ago
Anna is beautiful, beautiful enough for me. The sun shines on her yellow house, almost like a sign of God.受訪者每個人眼裡都有光。
3 years ago
Anna is beautiful, beautiful enough for me. The sun shines on her yellow house, almost like a sign of God.受訪者每個人眼裡都有光。
3 years ago
\"This is Debbie\'s chart. It\'s really weird. Because there was an eclipse the day she was born, both the sun and the moon were blocking Saturn. There should be something missing ...
2 years ago
I can see clearly now the rain is gone I can see the obstacles in my way Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind It\'s gonna be a bright bright Sun-Shiny day
2 years ago
I can see clearly now the rain is gone I can see the obstacles in my way Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind It\'s gonna be a bright bright Sun-Shiny day
2 years ago
I can see clearly now the rain is gone I can see the obstacles in my way Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind It\'s gonna be a bright bright Sun-Shiny day
2 years ago
I can see clearly now the rain is gone I can see the obstacles in my way Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind It\'s gonna be a bright bright Sun-Shiny day
2 years ago
I can see clearly now the rain is gone I can see the obstacles in my way Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind It\'s gonna be a bright bright Sun-Shiny day